User Quotes
Ok, seriously, the person who designed Multiflyer and Math-teriod is my hero! I am homeschooled and in 8th grade and I can't begin to explain how bad I was at math. I dreaded the hour we studied it. But now I look forward to playing these games.
8th grade homeschool student
I am 11 years old and in the 6th grade. You can not imagine how happy everyone was when my math grades had risen so suddenly. Thank you, Multiflyer! For giving me joy in myself and confidence in myself to succeed. Thank you.
This game turned math around for both of my daughters... made the difference in self-esteem, math interest and happiness. Great job!
Barbara Paturalski
Congratulations on a great game and teaching tool. My son has mastered his tables much easier than I thought he would.
Deb Houpe
I've looked at a ton of these kinds of programs for my kids - yours is far and away the best!
Alex Tsakiris
What a great way to take the boredom out of learning the tables with my son. Thanks!
Brian Conner
Parent and Teacher
My wife and I homeschool our kids and learned about Multiflyer. It's a great game! My third grader loves it and it really helps in learning multiplication.
John Amorosso
Home-Schooling Parent
We love Multiflyer! My son actually enjoys working on his multiplication facts. Thank you so much.
Kelly Dance
This is the best game I have ever played before. Now I know my times tables better than before. I am going to play this game until I know every one of my times tables.
Ashley Knoch
My children and I love this game! It has helped my daughter to remember her multifacts in an entertaining way. She went from a 59% right w/o use of grid to an 89% w/o grid in just a few days.
This game combines great visuals with an easy format that is encouraging them to do problems faster.
I love that I can print out the results and log them into my book. That's a real convience as most of the online games are without a printable report.
Lori H.
Homeschooling parent/teacher
I could never get my multiplication tables down pat but this is helping A LOT! It is sooooooo neat [playing] the game but at the same time you are memorizing your multiplication tables! I think it is cool that you incorporated the planets into the game! Thanks a lot, it has really helped me!
Willow Frost
8th Grade Student
Multiflyer is THE GREATEST math practice game I have ever seen - out of the dozen or more that I've looked at. It is "way cool!" Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
The game is useful for both learning facts and practicing the facts you think you know. It is wonderful to be able to select specific sets of facts for practice sessions. The game builds speed and confidence. It is rewarding and progressive. I am SO impressed. I can hardly say enough good things about it. (I've already told my son's teacher about it as well.)
I think it will really help my son get up to speed on an area he has had some real struggles with. Again, thank you.
B. Huard
Your game is soooo great -- my 9 yr old loves to play in practice mode and I have two others that play it for their optional math lesson time -- great stuff! great stuff! (hey I even like playing!)
Nikki Carr
Your game is really addicting. It's neat when you go to another planet, it tells you about it. I really like the pictures of the planets. They look real. I like it that I'm in a spaceship. I like the table too, that helps when I don't remember all my facts.
Zachary Miller
Thank you for a creating a game that my kids actually want to play. As a home-school Mom I consider it my responsibility to find materials that my children will be happy to use, but those that will educate them as well. Multiflyer does that! I especially appreciate the ability to easily check their progress in basic multiplication facts.
Home-schooling Parent
What a great program this is. I am a Teaching Assistant for an elementary school computer lab and our school just started using your Multiflyer program. We have several math programs that we use, but so far there has been nothing that allows us the flexibility of your program.
I was so excited to see that your program combines an interactive math multiplication table with wonderfully interesting graphics and story ideas. Multiflyer takes the frustration and boredom out of learning multiplication as students have fun and ready access to the answer table while saving the world!
Teaching Assistant, Computer Lab
I am a school teacher and just discovered your site. The option of using the multiplication table on the left is awesome. My daughter will definitely visit this site again. My fourth grade class used it for practice at school last year. Many of them even wrote down the site address to use for practice at home.
Christine Rechenberg
Parent / 4th Grade Teacher
I'm glad that i found this game on the web. My daughter has been using Multiflyer for awhile now and we are pleased with the site. Its real easy for her to use, the graphics are really great and not only is my child having fun but she has been learning to. Keep up the great work.
The Hobson Family
Awards for Multiflyer

WebShots Cool Site of The Day - 1/19/02